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Pneumonia: Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment

Pneumonia: Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment

One can get infected with pneumonia from many sources. The source of an infection helps the diagnosis as there are some organisms specific to the sources. Even hospitals and health care institutions which cater to long-term nursing for chronic illness, old age, etc.  generally have infecting agents that sometimes are drug resistant.
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A brief guide on how to use Symbicort inhalers

A brief guide on how to use Symbicort inhalers

A medication guide is supplied with a prescription drug and it is very important to understand the same. The user should clear all doubts with his/her health provider and should be clear on how to use the inhaler and handle emergencies. Symbicort is a controller medication and should be continued till the doctor determines if the user’s asthma has come under control.
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Various remedies for nasal congestion relief

Various remedies for nasal congestion relief

Congestion in medical usage means an unusual accumulation of body fluids. This normally occurs as a natural bodily reaction to infections and allergies. The immune system protects the body by the activities of the white blood cells called Leucocytes. There are different types of leucocytes for varied functions. When a foreign body is detected by the immune system, it increases the blood supply to the area to fight out the infective agents or allergens.
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Chronic cough and its treatment

Chronic cough and its treatment

A chronic cough is not a disease; it is rather a symptom and can cause great discomfort. Basically, the treatments are to cure the underlying malady. Based on the history of the case, a chronic cough would generally be diagnosed as caused due to acid reflux or postnasal drip. Moreover, X-rays or a CT scan would confirm the possibility of other conditions like pneumonia, COPD, bronchitis, lung cancer, etc.
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6 misconceptions associated with the Paleo diet

6 misconceptions associated with the Paleo diet

The Paleo diet, which steers clear of grains, legumes, dairy, sugar, and every processed and industrialized form of food in order to focus on pre-agricultural food like meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts for maintaining a good health, is often referred to as the “The Caveman Diet.” The Paleo diet for beginners who intend on trying this should also know that it comes with its fair share of misconceptions.
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Benefits of the apple cider vinegar diet for weight loss

Benefits of the apple cider vinegar diet for weight loss

One of the most common questions is whether drinking apple cider vinegar is a deterrent and effective method to lose weight. The answer to that question is yes. Apple cider vinegar has long been thought to be better when it comes to keeping the weight reduced and as it turns out, there are two important reasons to this.
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