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Foods to Eat and Avoid for Patients with Eczema

Foods to Eat and Avoid for Patients with Eczema

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a condition that makes one’s skin itchy and dry. Although the exact cause is unknown, some studies have linked this condition to an overactive response of the nervous system to an irritant. Although topical creams and other types of medications can help manage the condition, doctors may recommend certain types of foods and lifestyle changes to coexist with the condition efficiently.
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7 Foods That May Increase Your Risk of Breast Cancer

7 Foods That May Increase Your Risk of Breast Cancer

No diet or food can prevent or trigger breast cancer immediately. However, what you eat will certainly make a big difference to the risks of developing breast cancer. Getting breast cancer depends on multiple factors like family history, gender, age, etc., that are not in your control. Diet is perhaps one of the factors which you can control and change to minimize the risks of developing breast cancer.
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5 Must-Eat Foods for Breast Cancer Patients

5 Must-Eat Foods for Breast Cancer Patients

Diet has always been considered as one of the factors that trigger any type of cancer. There is no single diet plan which can prevent you from developing breast cancer . There are some foods which can keep you healthy and boost your immune system so that the risks of getting any cancer are low.
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Dietary Tips to Manage Diabetes

Dietary Tips to Manage Diabetes

The key to managing diabetes is to follow a healthy diet that can keep your blood sugar levels in control. What you eat in your meal has a direct effect on how much sugar your blood contains. So, making the right food choices is going to help you manage blood glucose levels better.
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Foods to Avoid When You Have Diabetes

Foods to Avoid When You Have Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic medical condition which can lead to very serious consequences if not kept under control. Unchecked diabetes may result in cardiovascular problems, blindness, kidney diseases, and various other complications. Aside from medication, there are certain lifestyle and dietary changes which can help an individual manage diabetes. Eating a well-balanced diet helps patients diagnosed with this condition maintain their health more easily.
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Best Foods to Eat to Relieve Constipation

Best Foods to Eat to Relieve Constipation

A proper diet can be very helpful for someone suffering from constipation. It is a condition that involves difficulty in having bowel movement. Delay in bowel movements can cause a series of problems like abdominal bloating, hemorrhoids, fecal impaction, irritability, etc. Those with constipation should ensure that the foods listed here are a part of their everyday diet.
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