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Tips to Prevent Diverticulitis

Tips to Prevent Diverticulitis

With the growing age, some people start developing little bulging pouches along the lining of the small intestine and they are termed as diverticula. When these pouches become infected or inflamed, sometimes it leads to a very painful condition known as diverticulitis. Besides having terrible pain, people suffering from this ailment also have nausea, bloating, vomiting, fever, diarrhea and sometimes, constipation.
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Foods to Eat and Avoid if You Have Hiatal Hernia

Foods to Eat and Avoid if You Have Hiatal Hernia

A hiatal hernia is a condition in which, a person’s stomach bulges upward mainly through the diaphragm opening. However, what you eat makes a huge difference as to whether you will have a good day or a bad one. A specific hiatal hernia diet can cause a great amount of positive change in your health.
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Lose weight with Paleo diet meals

Lose weight with Paleo diet meals

The Paleo diet meals are prepared by emulating the diet of the hunters and the gatherers in the primordial ages. It comprises of whole and unprocessed foods as available in nature. It goes without saying that our ancestors were genetically the same as us. They survived by eating the foods that were available naturally and were inherently free from diseases like diabetes, obesity and different types of cardiac problems.
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Know More About Diabetic Meal Plans

Know More About Diabetic Meal Plans

In most cases, food is the cause and cure of several medical conditions. People argue that diabetes is hereditary but that does not mean it isn’t inevitable. With proper diet and healthy lifestyle, genetic problems can be avoided. However, once a person is diagnosed with diabetes then they have to control it with medications, home remedies, and workout.
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Diabetic Food List – Best and Worst Food Items

Diabetic Food List – Best and Worst Food Items

Diabetes or increased blood sugar level is now one of the most common health problems of people living in the United States. The fast-paced lifestyle and changes in food habit of people is one of the major reasons accounting for the increased number of diabetic patients. Once diagnosed, diabetic becomes a chronic disease for the lifetime.
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Foods to Include and Exclude from Your Gout Diet Plans

Foods to Include and Exclude from Your Gout Diet Plans

Everybody knows about this condition called gout, which is but a form of arthritis. It leads to swelling of the joints, and a pain in the swollen regions. The first swelling appears in the big toe and the pain that one experiences can be excruciating. These pain attacks keep recurring until and unless the gout is completely treated.
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