How is financial aid calculated
Once you’ve filled your FAFSA and received your student aid report, a particular amount under the name of financial aid will be allocated to you, given that you meet all the basic eligibility criteria. You would need to apply for this financial aid for every year that you spend in college and each year this financial aid will vary on the basis of various changing conditions. Since every single unit counts, it is important for one to know how the financial aid is calculated, where it could be increased or where it has decreased and how one will manage with the changes in the aid.

On the basis of various factors, the financial aid office at your college will make a decision on the financial aid that should be allocated to you. Their first step of action would be determining the cost of attendance at the particular school. Given that you attend at least half-time, the cost of attendance includes tuition, room and board cost, cost of books and supplies, costs related to disability (if any) including some other expenses. Your expected family contribution is then taken into consideration. Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is a measure of the capability of you and your family to pay for college through the family income and assets.
The financial aid that does not depend on the expected family contribution is known as non-need based aid. For instance, if your cost of attendance is $18,000 and $6,000 has been covered through need-based aid, scholarships and other sources, then the remaining $12,000 could be covered in your non-need based aid.