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Dog Food & Flea

Dog Food & Flea

When it comes to feeding your dog, don’t you wish sometimes Fido would bark up or point a paw at the bagged or canned, chicken or beef pet food of his choice in the grocery aisle? Sometimes it takes a lot of trial and error to find a food your dog likes and that’s also good for him or her.
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Simple lifestyle changes to help get relief from chronic back pain

Simple lifestyle changes to help get relief from chronic back pain

A condition is termed chronic when the pain or discomfort associated with it is persistent, sometimes spanning over a couple of weeks or even months. Chronic back pain mainly affects the lower portion of your back. It is estimated that more than 50 million people in the country suffer from chronic back pain, a condition which is to this day poorly understood and is also difficult to overcome due to its inherent symptoms.
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Flu & Influenza

Flu & Influenza

Rationale Influenza is a disease caused by a virus. The flu is unlike other illness in that antibiotics will not cure it. The treatment of influenza is mainly symptomatic, meaning that the medications given are only to reduce the symptoms caused by the illness, not to treat the cause of the illness.
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Back Pain – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Back Pain – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Back pain is a symptom rather than a disorder caused by diverse medical problems. Back is comprised of different portions like the lower, middle and the upper part that distinctly get affected. It may be consistent or intermittent causing mild to severe pain. An acute instance of back pain is generally found in the adult population.
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Causes, symptoms, and treatments for depression

Causes, symptoms, and treatments for depression

Depression is a condition wherein people suffer from a persistent mood disorder that comprises prolonged sadness and a loss of interest. Also termed as the major depressive disorder, one can face problems performing regular activities and require treatment for a long period of time. Chemical abnormalities in the brain are one of the main causes of depression.
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Wet vs. Dry Food: Which is Healthier for Cats?

Wet vs. Dry Food: Which is Healthier for Cats?

Today’s house cats have much different nutritional needs compared to their once wild ancestors. While wild felines hunted and got much of their pure protein and moisture from mice and small birds, your Fluffy likely isn’t hunting much, which means she depends on you to do her food “hunting” (shopping) for her.
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