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Remedies to Treat Keratosis Pilaris at Home

Remedies to Treat Keratosis Pilaris at Home

Keratosis pilaris is a skin condition amongst adolescents which causes acne-like small bumps on the skin. This occurs when your body produces too much of a single type of protein on the skin which deposits on the pores and hair follicles. These bumps can either be white or red but are generally not accompanied by itching or pain.
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Effective Treatment Options for Fibromyalgia Pain Relief

Effective Treatment Options for Fibromyalgia Pain Relief

Are you suffering from acute body ache? Are you tired and feel fatigued most of the time? Do you have disturbed sleep or undergo severe mood swings? If so, you might probably be suffering from a serious ailment named fibromyalgia. Although the mentioned symptoms may also be similar to other diseases or sickness, given below are some of the common indications of fibromyalgia.
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Effective Ways to Treat Diabetic Feet Problems

Effective Ways to Treat Diabetic Feet Problems

Diabetic feet are problems in your feet, as a result of diabetes. Diabetes is the medical condition associated with the lack of insulin in our body, which is a hormone released by the pancreas. Insulin helps convert glucose from the food that you intake, into energy. Due to the lack of insulin, glucose stays in the blood, and high glucose can cause health problems and foot complications.
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Effective Treatments for Ear Infections

Effective Treatments for Ear Infections

Ear infections are most prominent in individuals during the rainy season. High outdoor temperatures such as those exceeding 38 o C could induce ear infections. Children are more vulnerable as compared to adults getting an ear infection. Ear infection symptoms often come into effect in little time. Timely treatment must be considered in case of severe ear infections.
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4 Ways to Treat Acute and Chronic Sciatic Pain

4 Ways to Treat Acute and Chronic Sciatic Pain

Sciatica is a pain in the leg that often affects one’s motions and activities. It is caused by the irritation in the sciatic nerve that arrives from each side of the lower spine and then goes through the pelvis and bumps. Next, the pain courses along the back portion of each leg and finally divides at the knee until it offshoots till the feet.
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All You Need to Know about Dry Cough Allergies

All You Need to Know about Dry Cough Allergies

A cough is a reflexive maneuver of the body that is caused involuntarily, to send out any fluids or irritants (foreign particles) from the throat. When coughing, the body inhales and then forces an exhalation in quick succession, against the closed glottis . With the release of air and the glottis opening, the throat produces a sound that we know as coughing.
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