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Discussion on Normal Cholesterol Levels in Men, Women and Children

Discussion on Normal Cholesterol Levels in Men, Women and Children

Cholesterol levels vary with age, gender and weight. A human body starts to produce more cholesterol with time. Thus, it is important for an adult to check their cholesterol levels every four to six years ideally, sooner than later. There are three categories in which cholesterol is measured: Total cholesterol HDL or good cholesterol LDL or bad cholesterol Most people struggle to balance these levels.
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5 Natural Remedies for Treating Gout Pain

5 Natural Remedies for Treating Gout Pain

A gout is a form of arthritis, which develops due to the high level of uric acid in the blood. The acid creates a sensation which feels like needle-like crystals in the joints, which cause sudden, episodic pain, redness, swelling, tenderness, etc. Before knowing the popular and effective ways of treating gout pain, let’s understand the four types of gout pain that include asymptomatic hyperuricemia, acute gout, interval gout, and chronic gout.
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Lupus Skin Rash – Symptoms and Treatment

Lupus Skin Rash – Symptoms and Treatment

Lupus Skin Rash is a disease which causes inflammation, flare-ups and has several other symptoms. The improper functioning of the immune system damages the skin tissue and results in flare-ups. The symptoms of lupus skin rash start in the early adulthood from the age of thirty and worsen as the age progresses.
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Popular Treatment Options for Frozen Shoulder

Popular Treatment Options for Frozen Shoulder

The frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis refers to pain, stiffness and restricted range of movement in the shoulder. Overuse of the shoulder is a major contributor and an injury can also result in frozen shoulder. Diseases like stroke or diabetes also make you vulnerable to this condition. When you develop frozen shoulder, the tissues that surround the joint feel stiffened and the formation of the scar tissue also takes place.
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Effective Home Remedies to Treat Cellulite

Effective Home Remedies to Treat Cellulite

Cellulite is a prevalent condition that you can treat at home. About 80 to 90% of women experience cellulite at least once in their life. Cellulite forms when there is an imbalance in the fat and the connective tissues in the body. Cellulite can be a result of hormonal, diet, or lifestyle changes.
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10 Beneficial Remedies for a Pain-free Body

10 Beneficial Remedies for a Pain-free Body

Body pain can be caused by multiple reasons such as injuries, inflammation due to diseases such as arthritis and other such causes. Before looking for options to treat the pain, it is imperative to understand its source and reason. If you know the cause of your pain, it will help you decide which remedy is best suited for you.
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