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The Suffragette Movement: All You Need to Know

The Suffragette Movement: All You Need to Know

The struggle for equality between the genders is still, unfortunately, an ongoing one – as the recent ‘ Me Too ’ movement has made all too clear. But contemporary struggles for women empowerment began in the 19th century, with the Suffragette movement – a major uprising at a societal and at an institutional level.
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The Pro Hacks to Ordering the Starbucks Secret Menu

The Pro Hacks to Ordering the Starbucks Secret Menu

Have you ever walked into Starbucks and noticed the person ahead of you order a drink that neither appears on the menu nor have you ever heard of it? At some Starbucks locations, you can see the handwritten signs promoting off-menu drinks. These beverages come from the “Secret Menu”. Ordering drinks from this menu, recently became a huge social media sensation.
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