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Understanding the Symptoms and Causes of Sleep Disorders

Understanding the Symptoms and Causes of Sleep Disorders

Symptoms of sleep disorders occur due to a variety of reasons and it is important to identify the reasons for their occurrence. The lifestyle of the patient is disrupted, and if occurrs at the wrong time, it could provide fatal in certain situations. Symptoms of Sleep Disorders Symptoms of sleep disorders normally manifest themselves in the following ways:
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Causes and Treatments for Nerve Pain in the Feet

Causes and Treatments for Nerve Pain in the Feet

The tingling sensation that you are having on your feet could be an early indication of something serious in your body. Most people at some point in their life will experience this numbness on their feet which at times could become really painful. One reason that could seem quite trivial is sitting at the same posture for too long.
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Everything You Need to Know about a Ministroke

Everything You Need to Know about a Ministroke

A stroke is a condition that occurs when a part of your brain gets limited or no blood supply. At such a time, your brain is deprived of oxygen and other vital nutrients it needs to function normally. In just a few minutes, the brain cells start to die. What is a ministroke?
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Symptoms and Treatment Methods for MRSA

Symptoms and Treatment Methods for MRSA

MRSA is an infection caused by bacteria that are resistant to most common antibiotics. These skin infections can be painful and it can even lead to other complications if the bacteria enter the bloodstream. However, this condition can be treated, if identified quickly. Read on to find how to treat MRSA.
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Remedies for an Overactive Bladder

Remedies for an Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder can make you feel the urge to relieve yourself several times in a day. It can also lead to incontinence and leakage. An overactive bladder could be a warning sign of an underlying medical condition. Luckily, there are some ways in which you can get things back in control.
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Symptoms, Precautions and Treatment for Stage 3 Kidney Disease

Symptoms, Precautions and Treatment for Stage 3 Kidney Disease

The number of kidney patients has increased by the time because of various lifestyle issues. In chronic kidney diseases, the organ cannot function the way it is naturally supposed to. It is neither considered as kidney failure nor fully functional. A moderate problem occurs in the glomerular filtration rate known as GFR, which leads to the stage 3 kidney disease.
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