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Symptoms and Treatment Methods for Pneumonia

Symptoms and Treatment Methods for Pneumonia

Pneumonia is the infection caused in one or both the lungs. It can be caused due to viruses, fungus, or bacteria. The disease causes your lungs to be filled with fluid or pus, thus making it difficult to breathe. The symptoms that you might experience for pneumonia are coughing with mucus, sweating and chills, shortness of breath, and chest pain.
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Common Symptoms and Treatments of Overactive Bladder Disorder

Common Symptoms and Treatments of Overactive Bladder Disorder

One can experience a number of symptoms when having such a disease like an overactive bladder. The most common symptom of an overactive bladder includes sudden and uncontrollable pressure for urination. Leaks and frequent visit to the bathroom are the common behavior for a person having bladder disorder. Aged people are more vulnerable to this disease than youngsters and it can badly affect one’s personal and professional life.
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Anemia – Causes and Symptoms

Anemia – Causes and Symptoms

Iron deficiency or anemia is one of the most common forms of anemia and affects many people. It is the result of an inadequate amount of healthy red blood cells in the body. Red blood cells carry oxygen to the tissues in the body and are vital to the healthy functioning of the body as well.
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Signs of Liver Damage That You Should Never Ignore

Signs of Liver Damage That You Should Never Ignore

Have you ever thought about taking care of the liver, the largest solid organ in your body? In most cases, we do not care about it until our doctors ask us to do so. More or less, you should learn about the functions of the liver and signs that can indicate any dysfunction.
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Causes, Symptoms and Treatments of Overactive bladder

Causes, Symptoms and Treatments of Overactive bladder

A medical condition characterized by a sudden, uncontrollable urge to urinate is called overactive bladder (OAB). An overactive bladder leads to involuntary passage of urine, also known as urge incontinence. Apart from physical discomfort, an overactive bladder causes embarrassment for the affected person. Healthy functioning of the bladder requires a healthy urinary tract.
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Common Side Effects of Consuming Probiotics

Common Side Effects of Consuming Probiotics

Probiotics are living bacteria that are consumed by for their health benefits. There is hype in the use of probiotics as many people have received substantial health benefits like improved digestive systems and glowing skin. However, there are certain side effects to probiotics   that people have experienced. Before you buy and start consuming probiotics, do know about the potential side effects of this product.
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