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How to select the best mortgage lenders for the first-timers

How to select the best mortgage lenders for the first-timers

Buying a home is a tedious task. The intensity of research is so enormous that it takes away a lot of our time. It requires correct research for good rates, better customer service, credibility of the lender themselves and what best would be in our own interest as a loan seeker.
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The importance of using merchant services for business development

The importance of using merchant services for business development

Merchant services is almost always seen as a synonym for debit or credit card processing as it is the most commonly used payment method. However, merchant services is more than that, it includes all forms of payment methods used between a customer and a business in order to facilitate the transfer of funds for the services rendered.
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3 financial tips for youngsters

3 financial tips for youngsters

Are you a teenager or a youngster struggling hard to manage with your pocket money or have you just started to earn? Proper financial planning is an art, and not everyone gets to master it. Here, we share some simple financial planning tips to help you become a good financial planner in the future.
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Need and importance of retirement planning calculator

Need and importance of retirement planning calculator

Investing for retirement isn’t as big and tedious and undertaking as it is made out to be. The key is to define how much money you’ll need for the days after you retire and then draw out a plan to achieve your objective. To make things easier, begin by considering your lifestyle post retirement.
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Retirement calculator: Your planning assistant

Retirement calculator: Your planning assistant

Retirement planning is about setting aside enough money for retirement and is the preparation that must be done well in advance so that you will be organized for the life after your work career ends, not just in monetary terms but in all aspects of life. The non-financial facets include lifestyle choices, how to spend time in retirement, where to live, etc.
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10 best short-term investments you can bank upon

10 best short-term investments you can bank upon

Short-term investments may be a safer alternative for investors when the markets are unstable. Short-term investment allows investors to invest their money with little or no risk. Here are some short-term investment accounts that you can consider investing in. Which one is right for you depends on your particular situation and preferences.
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