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Can diabetic neuropathy be reversed?

Can diabetic neuropathy be reversed?

Diabetic neuropathy is a condition that indicates diabetic nerve pain. This nerve pain can be associated with nerves in any part of the body; however, this kind of pain is mostly concentrated over the legs, feet, arms, and hands. In its simplest sense, neuropathy refers to damage to the nerve cells.
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Signs that tell you have a bulging disc

Signs that tell you have a bulging disc

In order to treat any health issue, one will first need to identify the symptoms and report the same to the doctor so that proper diagnosis can take place. A bulging disc treatment also depends greatly on the recognition of certain symptoms. Here are some of them. Find out the cause To begin with, let us understand the causes before we talk about the symptoms and bulging disc treatment.
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3 foods that spike your blood sugar level

3 foods that spike your blood sugar level

Any diet prescribed for people with diabetes revolves around three things: eating healthy food, controlling portions of food during each meal, and eating at regular times. While there are medications and insulin doses that can be taken to keep diabetes under control, the importance of diabetic diets can not be overstated.
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Joint pain – Causes and treatments

Joint pain – Causes and treatments

Joint pain can leave you in great discomfort even as it limits or even stops your mobility. There are many causes for joint pain, and it is important to understand the same along with the symptoms before one thinks of joint pain relief. So, before you embark on joint pain treatment, take a look at these possible causes for joint pain, and speak with your doctor regarding the same and your specific symptoms.
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Workouts one should try for joint pain relief

Workouts one should try for joint pain relief

Joint pain is usually caused when there are wear and tear of the joints that connect the bones, tissue, and muscles. It can also be caused by injuries. For someone who is looking for joint pain relief, he or she must find the right balance between rest, exercise, diet, and medication when required.
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Here’s what you need to know about diabetes test

Here’s what you need to know about diabetes test

Diabetes is not an easy disease. However, this disease can be managed with medication, a good amount of patience, regular exercise, and a balanced diet that includes all the essential micronutrients. It is also essential to keep track of the blood sugar level. This where diabetes tests are essential to managing your diabetes.
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