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An Inspiring Story Of Alicia Keys Fighting For HIV And AIDS

An Inspiring Story Of Alicia Keys Fighting For HIV And AIDS

Alicia Keys is a singer, record producer, songwriter, actress, and pianist. One occupation she holds over all of her other is as the co-founder of Keep A Child (KCA). When It All Began From the beginning of her career, Alicia Keys had the first-hand experience after she met children dying of AIDS in Africa.
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Everything you need to know about HIV and AIDS

Everything you need to know about HIV and AIDS

The HIV infection is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. You can get infected by HIV if you come in contact with infected body fluids of other persons. This includes blood, semen, and vaginal fluid. Common Causes of Infection The most common cause of HIV infection is unprotected sex with a partner who is already infected with HIV.
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Find the Key Ways to Prevent HIV Infection

Find the Key Ways to Prevent HIV Infection

Knowledge is the key when resisting HIV or its transmission. Today we are more aware and better informed about this deadly menace. A factsheet about HIV: HIV transmission is the spread of human immunodeficiency virus, an untreatable virus transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person. HIV can spread only through definite body fluids like blood, vaginal fluids, pre-seminal fluids, semen, and rectal fluids of an infected person.
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An Insight Into The Types And Treatment Methods For IBS

An Insight Into The Types And Treatment Methods For IBS

One of the common conditions found in 10-15 percent of the US adult population is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). IBS includes a group of symptoms such as abdominal pain and changes in the pattern of bowel movements. Once diagnosed, with medications or home remedies or both, the condition can be managed quite well.
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Guide To Treating Infertility With IVF And The Complications That Come With It

Guide To Treating Infertility With IVF And The Complications That Come With It

Infertility issues are growing by the day, and an estimated one out of eight couple in America faces difficulty to conceive a baby. However, with several assisted reproductive technologies, treating infertility is no more a difficult task. In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is one among such procedures, and it has gained popularity due to its high success rate.
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EMR – A Technological Boon For The Health Recording Systems

EMR – A Technological Boon For The Health Recording Systems

In the past few decades, with the introduction of computers, almost every field has adopted digitization to maintain their records. Same is true in the medical field as well. Hospitals or clinics now no longer keep records of their patients in the traditional paper file system. Instead, they have now adopted the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system.
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