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An Overview on Classification and Treatment of Insomnia

An Overview on Classification and Treatment of Insomnia

Tossing and turning in bed, sleepless in the night, is something all of us have had in our lives. And all of us know how frustrating, tiresome and upsetting it can be. Although insomnia comes as a part of other diseases, stress or trauma, it has the capability of worsening the health conditions than they already are.
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Dietary Recommendations For Those On A Kidney Disease Diet

Dietary Recommendations For Those On A Kidney Disease Diet

Among the organ systems in the body, it would be hardly an exaggeration to state that the kidneys perform among the most vital functions to our health and wellness. When you have been diagnosed with a chronic kidney disease, one of the first things you should pay utmost attention to and take great care over is your diet.
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Important Questions Answered On Leptin Diet

Important Questions Answered On Leptin Diet

What is the leptin diet? The leptin diet is a diet plan that focuses on portion control, timely consumption of meals without and snacking between meals, the complete avoidance of all additives and most importantly, finishing dinner a good three hours before one hits the bed. For whom is the leptin diet advice?
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Early Signs Of Type 2 Diabetes That You Need To Know

Early Signs Of Type 2 Diabetes That You Need To Know

We have been repeatedly told that diabetes is a deficiency and not a disease. Because it is a deficiency, there is no absolute cure for it and the only thing one could do is have a disciplined lifestyle in terms of exercise and dietary habits, coupled with medications as prescribed by the doctor.
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Techniques Backed By Science To Help You Fall Asleep

Techniques Backed By Science To Help You Fall Asleep

Although science cannot answer everything, it definitely can answer the woes of all those sleepless nights we’ve faced quite sometimes in our lives. Time is something that should be given the utmost value in our lives. Even the slightest disturbances in our sleep cycles can lead to the loss of so much time in our lives by giving us sleepless nights and disturbed mornings.
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Sleep Aids Which Are Right For You

Sleep Aids Which Are Right For You

Sleep is one of the major activities required to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. However, lack of it is something we have all observed from time to time. It stands as a problem when it keeps happening on a regular basis as it drains the mental energy and doesn’t let us focus on our tasks.
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