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How to prevent urinary incontinence

How to prevent urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a problem where you can lose control of your bladder. It can be a temporary issue due to minor health problems like coughing and infections or can be chronic due to underlying diseases like diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease. It can also occur during pregnancy and after childbirth.
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Ways to prevent liver damage caused by Hepatitis C

Ways to prevent liver damage caused by Hepatitis C

Liver damage begins to occur when Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infects the liver. Although liver damage signs cannot be noticed in the early stages of the infection, scar tissue can be observed when collagen starts forming on the liver. This build-up is stimulated by the immune system to counteract the disease and repair any damage caused to the liver.
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Effective treatment to avoid liver damage caused by Hepatitis C

Effective treatment to avoid liver damage caused by Hepatitis C

Treatment for Hepatitis C depends on which stage the patient is at. Although later stages of the disease exhibit severe liver damage signs that cannot be treated, the earlier stages can be treated with proper medication. Moreover, treatment and its effectiveness also depend upon other health conditions and how much Hepatitis C virus the patient has in his/her body.
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How to strengthen pelvic muscles in men with kegel exercises

How to strengthen pelvic muscles in men with kegel exercises

To understand the significance of kegel for men, it can be helpful to know the role of pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor muscles are a group of muscles that help with the functions of the bladder and the rectum. There are three types of pelvic muscles and each of these aid different processes such as storing urine in the bladder, the flow of urine and control of the urine flow.
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How to do Kegel exercises for men

How to do Kegel exercises for men

Prostate problems, surgery for prostate removal, difficulties with the bladder or even conditions like diabetes can make the pelvic muscles weak. When pelvic muscles do not work well, it can cause urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction in men. Kegel for men can help with these problems. With some practice, Kegel exercises can be easy to do.
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Are male enhancement products safe

Are male enhancement products safe

There are many types of male enhancement products available in the market today. From pills to patches and equipment, there exists a way to increase penis size. But are these products safe to use? Medically, there is no evidence to support the claims that pills can increase the size of a penis.
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