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All You Need to Know about Heartburn Symptoms

All You Need to Know about Heartburn Symptoms

Heartburn is a common condition that is caused when the stomach acid refluxes back into the esophagus and causes a burning sensation in the chest and leaves you with a bitter taste in the mouth.This sensation is usually felt more when you have taken a heavy meal or eaten foods that cause acid reflux.
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Let Vitamins Put an End to Your Hair Fall Worries

Let Vitamins Put an End to Your Hair Fall Worries

Being a part of the 21st century has allowed us to savor the luxuries that were simply a dream to our predecessors. However, in a bid to acquire these luxuries, we have compromised a lot and that includes our health as well. It is a universal fact that leading a life without problems is never possible.
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Monitor Your Diabetes with a Blood Sugar Levels Chart

Monitor Your Diabetes with a Blood Sugar Levels Chart

People with diabetes should monitor their blood sugar levels regularly at home. This is where the blood sugar levels chart comes in picture. What is a blood sugar levels chart? Blood sugar level charts are a point of reference with which you can compare your blood sugar test results. Diabetes treatment plans, often, involve keeping blood sugar levels close to normal.
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Top seven tips to lower blood sugar

Top seven tips to lower blood sugar

It goes without saying that having high levels of blood sugar is not just discomforting, but debilitating for your health as well. When you are affected by type 2 diabetes, your choice of foods can go a long way in helping you manage it. Diabetes happens when a person has his glucose or blood sugar levels higher than normal.
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6 Ways to Get Rid of Bags Under Your Eyes

6 Ways to Get Rid of Bags Under Your Eyes

With age, it is common to have mild puffiness and swelling under the eyes. This is because as we age, the tissues situated near the eyes, including the muscles that support the eyelids, start to weaken, and eventually sag. The common presence of fat, which aids in supporting the eyes, gradually tends to move to the lower eyelids, which make the eye appear puffy.
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The Hepatitis C FAQs- Resolving All the Questions on Hepatitis

The Hepatitis C FAQs- Resolving All the Questions on Hepatitis

One of the most chronic medical challenges is the Hepatitis. It is a contagious liver disease which ranges in severity from a simple mild pain to a long-lasting illness which can continue for many weeks. This can also lead to a lifelong serious illness affecting the liver fully. What are the main causes of Hepatitis C?
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