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Easy Treatment Options to Get Relief from Foot Pain

Easy Treatment Options to Get Relief from Foot Pain

Feet are one of the most important organs in your body considering that you need them to stand, sit, push up, stretch, run, climb and a lot of other things. But you hardly paid attention to them till they started aching. It is noticed that once your feet start aching, you don’t feel energetic enough to do anything else, especially moving.
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Treating fibromyalgia with vitamins and supplements

Treating fibromyalgia with vitamins and supplements

Fibromyalgia is a musculoskeletal disorder where a person experiences pain as well as fatigue and issues with sleep, memory, and mood swings. The disorder often affects women more than men and is caused by stressful psychological and physiological events. Genetics also plays a role in causing fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia causes repeated nerve stimulation that creates physical transformation in the brain.
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Beating Ulcerative Colitis Flares

Beating Ulcerative Colitis Flares

For me, the world seems to fall like a pack of cards as soon as I experience those ulcerative colitis flares and it boggles my mind like nothing else. Even when it is in moderation, there is a way in which I start experiencing those obnoxious feelings and giving up on those food items that I am used to eating every day is painful indeed.
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Neck nerve pain – Symptoms and treatment

Neck nerve pain – Symptoms and treatment

A gnawing pain can sometimes be felt in the portions of neck and shoulders and this can be caused by pinching or compression of nerves in that particular area. This specific area of the body is delicate and the tuft of muscles, veins, capillaries are sensitive enough, and hence, the nerves might feel that compression owing to postures or stress, resulting in a pain.
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Hepatitis C Virus (HCV): Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV): Causes, symptoms, and treatment

An inflammation or swelling in the liver means hepatitis, and when this liver inflammation occurs due to a specific RNA virus, it leads to chronic inflammation, and then it is known as hepatitis C. Different type of viruses named as A, B, C, D, and E are known to affect liver and thus produce hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C etc.
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List of Foods That Boost Your Metabolism

List of Foods That Boost Your Metabolism

It’s important that you know what your metabolism is and how it works. Metabolism is a combined effect of a lot of biochemical processes which continuously occur in your body to release energy to our bodies for proper functioning.   Nowadays our lifestyle and eating habits have hampered our metabolism and instead of having a fast metabolism rate, most of the people are dealing with a slow metabolism.
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