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Essential trace nutrients required in the body

Essential trace nutrients required in the body

Micronutrients are mineral salts that are required for the normal functioning of human body. The metal ions are the functional portions. Sodium, potassium, and calcium are the most profuse among them. They are required in higher quantities in mgs/dl of blood. Other mineral ions are needed in traces and called trace nutrients.
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Healthy and nutritious foods that our body needs

Healthy and nutritious foods that our body needs

A healthy, nutritious diet has to be necessarily balanced. Only if it is balanced can a diet supply all the nutrients and build the body with all the wherewithal to fight all the infections and other diseases. Many seasonal foods in the season have higher nutrition and some of them inhibit certain diseases.
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An introduction to allergic sinusitis

An introduction to allergic sinusitis

As the pollen season approaches, sinus infections become common place and are a cause for discomfort to a lot of people. At this time, instead of air, sinuses get filled with fluid that blocks them and encourages the growth and multiplication of germs. When this condition is caused by an allergy, it is also known as allergic rhinitis.
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Popular laser spine institute locations

Popular laser spine institute locations

Laser spine institutes across the country continually work towards bringing pain relief to sufferers with common and chronic spine conditions. As opposed to traditional surgery, Laser Spine Institutes are pioneers of minimum invasive spine surgery that serves as a safe and effective solution to open back surgery. What’s best, Laser Spine Institute has seven outstanding surgery centers across various locations throughout the country.
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10 Best low-carb snacks for a healthy meal

10 Best low-carb snacks for a healthy meal

If you want to start with the best low-carb diet plan, you will notice that it is easier to plan the full meals, where veggies and meat are great options. However, it is the middle meal or the snack that poses a problem. You should avoid fried and junk snack options, but at the same time, you should have a small meal at regular intervals, including three low-carb meals.
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10 Healthy and tasty low-carb snacks

10 Healthy and tasty low-carb snacks

Many people do not prefer a low-carb diet because there are hardly any tasty choices in this diet plan. There are, however, many low-carb foods that can be used as snacks, or meals. Consumption of these foods is very good for your health as these are naturally low in carbohydrates.
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