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5 foods that can help fight lymphoma

5 foods that can help fight lymphoma

A lymphoma is a type of cancer that begins in the immune system, specifically in the lymphocytes, which are the are the infection-fighting cells of the body. The lymphocytes of a patient with lymphoma, change and grow out of control. This results in rapid cell growth which leads to cancer.
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How does a high-fiber diet help fight melanoma naturally

How does a high-fiber diet help fight melanoma naturally

Melanoma is a form of skin cancer. One of the ways of treating this disease is immunotherapy, where the body naturally fights melanoma. Studies have shown that food that is rich in fiber can help in the fight against melanoma. Immunotherapy and melanoma Melanoma is one of the deadliest types of skin cancers.
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Top 5 foods to eat during menopause

Top 5 foods to eat during menopause

Menopause is an inevitable phenomenon in any woman’s life that marks the end of menstruation. In general, menopause occurs in women who are 51 years of age or older. This natural condition is often accompanied by a host of unpleasant symptoms that can take a serious toll on the quality of one’s life.
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Foods that are good for digestion

Foods that are good for digestion

Probiotic foods are those that have bacteria that is good for digestion. This includes bacteria like lactobacillus, bifidobacterium that help smooth digestion of food. Sometimes, the good bacteria in the gut can get destroyed due to various reasons. This leads to digestive problems. Consuming food that has probiotics is thus good for digestion.
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Foods to eat and avoid for prostate cancer

Foods to eat and avoid for prostate cancer

When undergoing treatment for cancer, it becomes imperative for one to eat the right kind of food and ensure that the body gets all the nourishment and energy it requires. This is because the body will be working overtime to battle cancer, and it would also need the energy to repair cells that get damaged because of radiation and chemotherapy.
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Follow this diet to manage eczema symptoms

Follow this diet to manage eczema symptoms

Eczema is a skin condition that becomes worse due to allergies. Food is one of the factors that cause allergies. Hence, those suffering from eczema need to adhere to a diet that includes certain food items and excludes others. Eczema diet Those who have eczema are prone to allergies. Food allergies can worsen the situation.
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